
IPL Photorejuvenation vs Forever Young BBL: What is the difference?

If you have been suffering from skin pigmentation issues, or you are a person that experiences blemishes or sun damage to the skin, then you may have heard of non-invasive light-based therapies or photore...


Facial Rejuvenation with Dermal Fillers

If you have ever wanted to refresh and revitalise the look of your face, then a non-surgical facelift can offer the instant uplift that you’ve been looking for. Fillers lift and recontour t...


Facial rejuvenation with a non surgical face lift in London

Many individuals are turning to a non surgical face lift in London as an alternative to cosmetic surgery. The reasons for this shift are endless but is mainly because these types of procedures are less invasive an...


Sherrie Hewson’s 4 Step Facial Rejuvenation

This week we are catching up with actress and TV presenter Sherrie Hewson.   Since her facelift 18 years ago Sherrie has found that her face had dropped so...


Singer-songwriter Mim Grey shares the results of her facial rejuvenation treatment

Singer-songwriter Mim Grey came by The Cosmetic Skin Clinic after finishing her tour earlier this year, and we’re very excited to share her results. In th...


Hand Rejuvenation

The saying goes ‘If you want to know a woman’s age, look at her hands’. Our hands can show signs of ageing more than other parts of the body. In fact, sun-damaged, wrinkled, veiny hands can even make you look older than you ...

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