
Chest Rejuvenation

Very often, people tend to concentrate on their faces for cosmetic treatments. However, it’s often the texture of skin on the décolletage (chest) that can make you appear older than you are. This sensitive area is often overloo...


IPL Photo rejuvenation

Sometimes make up alone may not be enough to cover unwanted sun damage spots, age spots and dark pigmentation areas that cause unsightly skin. These issues can make you look older than you really are. Judy Murray, moth...


Everything you need to know about Moxi Laser

The Cosmetic Skin Clinic unravel the mysteries surrounding Moxi Laser Treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the wonders of Moxi Laser, its applicability across various skin types and concerns, and essential...


Exploring the Glow-Up: Moxi Laser vs. Forever Young BBL

In the ever-evolving landscape of cosmetic treatments, two contenders have emerged as frontrunners in the quest for youthful, radiant skin: Moxi Laser and Forever Young BBL. At The Cosmetic Skin Clinic, we understand the i...


Moxi Laser

MOXI is all about prejuvenation. Whether you want to delay the appearance of ageing or want to maintain beautiful skin with little to no downtime or discomfort, then this is the answer for you. It comfortably delivers laser ene...


Moxi Laser

MOXI is all about prejuvenation. Whether you want to delay the appearance of ageing or want to maintain beautiful skin with little to no downtime or discomfort, then this is the answer for you. It comfortably delivers laser ene...

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