Misshapen Nose

Misshapen noses are common, but we can realign and reshape an asymmetrical nose quickly and effectively using a range of non-surgical treatments, without the expense and downtime of cosmetic surgery.

Misshapen Nose Treatments at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic

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What causes a crooked, misshapen nose?

Noses come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. But they can appear misshaped or crooked when your bone structure, cartilage or skin tissues are misaligned. These issues can happen for a variety of reasons, from sports injuries and infections to your own genetic makeup. Some patients have an extreme misshapen or crooked nose, whereas others may not feel they suffer from a nose deformity but would nevertheless like to change the shape or appearance of their nose or have more definition created. At The Cosmetic Skin Clinic, we specialise in offering patients non-surgical nose treatments that can improve the shape of the nose without any surgery or lengthy recovery time.

Non-Surgical Nose Reshaping

Nose-reshaping, medically termed as non-surgical rhinoplasty, is a specialist area for many of our doctors. It is a completely safe and non-invasive alternative to nasal surgery, with instant results and no need to take time off. In fact, non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure is often referred to as ‘the 15-minute nose job’.

We use dermal filler injections in our non-surgical rhinoplasty treatment, using small amounts of filler in precise locations to change the shape or straighten the nose. Filler can even be inserted in the tip of the nose to create an upturned appearance. Discover how we perform this treatment in our dedicated blog post, which explains how to use filler on the nose to achieve incredible reshaping results.

To find out more about this condition and our available treatments, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experienced practitioners by calling our clinics in London and Buckinghamshire!

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Treatment Options

Related Treatment

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

As a focal feature of the face, the nose plays a vital role in facial proportions and appearance. A misshapen nose or a nose needing more definition can be treated simply and quickly without an expensive surgical nose job operation.

Related Treatment

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are a popular option at our clinic for adding volume, and smoothing fine lines and tell-tale wrinkles.

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