Top causes of wrinkles that are unrelated to aging and the best treatments

We all know that the natural aging process is a top cause for wrinkles and lines.

However, there are many other lifestyle and environmental factors that we gloss over but are also the reason for wrinkles. Daily habits we may think are minor can in fact over time take a toll on our physical appearance. We break down the top causes of wrinkles and the best treatments to address these causes and turn back the clock.

Dry skin

dry skin treatments

Dry skin not only looks uncomfortable but also doesn’t feel very nice. It adds years onto your skin as dry skin is more susceptible to wrinkles. How? Dry skin can lead to skin losing some of its strength. From collagen and hyaluronic acid which actively works as the skins scaffolding and moisture, without these the skin leads to dry skin and gives way to wrinkles.

Best treatment for wrinkles caused by dry skin:

At The Cosmetic Skin Clinic, we have a range of skin hydration treatments that will give you long lasting results. Nourish your skin with deep skin hydration with:

  • Profhilothis breakthrough injectable hyaluronic acid treatment boosts and hydrates the skin to lift it. Called the “cure for wrinkles” thanks it helping to boost the body’s own natural collagen and elastin production.
  • Restylane Skinboosters – are hydrating micro-injections that reduce fine lines by delivering hydration deep inside the skin. For maximum results, we suggest combining this treatment with dermal filler for an overall balanced, smooth and hydrated appearance.
  • Juvederm® Hydrate® – injectable treatment that improves skin hydration and elasticity in the face, neck, hands and decolletage. What does it do? Hyaluronic Acid is a natural humectant substance that naturally occurs in our bodies. Over time it reduces, leading to dry skin. Juvederm® Hydrate® replenishes your skins depleted levels of hyaluronic acid.

To maintain the great hydration boosting results of these treatments, our practitioners will always recommend you stay moisturised. Day and night, moisturise your skin and invest in nourishing creams that will help your hydrated results stay hydrated.

Sun damage

Sun damaged skin treatments

We all love a bit of warm weather, but it is a well-known fact that Sun exposure plays a big role in skin damage, oxidative stress and wrinkles. The UV rays create free radical damage in the skin which causes wrinkles and premature aging. Sun damage leads to collagen and elastin loss.

Best treatment for wrinkles caused by sun damage

We have many patients who come to us to tackle their sun damage skin concerns and our expert team have the perfect treatments like:

  • Forever young BBL – this laser system is revolutionary for its ability to reduce the appearance of sun damage and other skin imperfections including hyperpigmentation and age spots. As a laser resurfacing treatment, it also dramatically improves skin texture and radiance by stimulating collagen renewal. See our amazing Forever Young BBL before and afters!
  • Morpheus8 – using FDA approved fractional technology this treatment tightens skin, lifts, smooths and contours the skin. Its advanced radiofrequency technology combined with microneedling reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles caused by sun damage and other factors. The transformative results are worth shouting about and you can see such results with Judy Murray’s experience.
  • Moxi Laser – a non-ablative fractionated laser that creates micro-coagulation zones in the skin, stimulating collagen production and skin renewal. This advanced laser technology effectively treats pigmentation, sun damage, and uneven skin texture, promoting a smoother, more even complexion – see the incredible Moxi laser before and after results for yourself! Moxi’s gentle approach makes it ideal for regular skin maintenance with minimal downtime
  • IPL photorejuventation is a light-based therapy that improves the tone and appearance of sun damaged skin.
  • Microneedling – as a minimally invasive treatment, microneedling is great for wrinkles and minimising skin pigmentation caused by sun damage. It stimulates new collagen production, turning back the clock on the appearance of ageing. Top quality and in demand microneedling treatments at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic are the INTRAcelTM and Genuine Dermaroller.

Preventive measures should also be taken such as wearing SPF daily, staying out of the Sun when it’s at its highest and hottest point, reapplying sun lotion, not using sun beds etc.


pollution effect on skin

Many don’t realise that environmental factors such as pollution play a major role in the impact of wrinkles.[1] So, it is an important step that we all wash our faces before bed. This vital night-time skincare routine will remove those pollution particles and reduce the number of wrinkles.

To tackle the wrinkles that may have formed from years of exposure to pollution and not washing your face daily, wrinkle treatments like Dermal fillers, Botox®, Profhilo, Morpheus8, Thermage and Forever Young BBL are the answer.

Squinting, drinking out of straws or smoking

Yes, even minor habits such as squinting and drinking out of straws or even daily habits like smoking can create wrinkles. When we think about squinting, we think about our eyes and our vision, but not the muscles used to squint. The muscles are contracting for you to squint and if you do so on a regular basis, then dynamic wrinkles form from the constant contraction. The more excessive it is, the deeper the wrinkles. The same applies to using straws or smoking, just the contracted muscles are around your mouth. You can end up with what is known as smokers lines, or a sad-mouth or droopy appearance. Smoking can lead to fine lines and wrinkles and cigarette toxins can also age your skin.

Best treatment for wrinkles caused by squinting, smoking or drinking out of straws

One of the quickest ways to reduce eye lines, smoker or mouth lines is with lip fillers and/or Botox. Laser resurfacing treatments also work effectively to reduce the appearance of smokers’ lines. Other treatments such as microneedling Genuine Dermaroller and radiofrequency Morpheus8 are great for tackling these concerns too

Lack of sleep

Beauty sleep is a term many of us have heard and it applies to keeping wrinkles at bay. Lack of sleep can cause dry skin; a loss of elasticity and wrinkles develop. When we sleep, our body repairs itself from our brain to our muscles, and this extends to our epidermis (the outer layer of the skin).

When you sleep, your blood flow increases rebuilding your skin’s collagen and repairing any sun damage, age spots and reducing wrinkles. You need to get a full night’s sleep especially if you have skin that ages faster, skin that takes longer to recover from sun exposure and other environmental stressors. The bottom line is that a chronic poor sleep quality can negatively affect your skin by increasing signs of ageing such as wrinkles and an overall diminished skin barrier function. So, get your recommended 6-8 hours sleep a night to experience the full skin health benefits.

Too much sugar and/or too much stress

stress effect on skin

We hate to say it, but sugar is ageing. Loving sugar a bit too much can lead to increased blood sugar levels. This acts as an age accelerator and can cause wrinkles. Sugar reacts with protein in our bodies. As it goes through the glycation process, it can mean it unfortunately binds itself to protein including collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are the skins building blocks, sugar weakens them and results in premature aging with wrinkles.

Stress, whether it derives from your work or personal life, has an impact on your emotional and mental wellbeing. It can also affect your physical health too, including your skin’s ability to function optimally. Stress plays a role in skin aging, accelerating the formation of wrinkles. With stress comes a high amount of cortisol also known as the stress hormone. Cortisol breaks down the skin’s collagen and elastin and reduces the skin’s moisture retention ability.

Best treatment for wrinkles caused by sugar and/or stress

Cut back on your sugar intake to stop further wrinkles from forming. For the already established deep wrinkles, The Cosmetic Skin Clinic suggest a combination treatment of Botox® and Dermal Fillers.

The Cosmetic Skin Clinic – Best anti-ageing treatments for wrinkles

The Cosmetic Skin Clinic put our patients needs first and give amazing results thanks to our expert practitioners. With years of experience in treating patients for their wrinkle concerns, you can trust that we will steer you in the right direction to get the best results.

Trained to the highest standard, you will receive a bespoke wrinkle treatment that matches your needs. Our medically qualified practitioners meet exacting standards, so our patients leave happy with their seamless results knowing they are in good hands.

From Dermal Fillers, Botox, Microneedling, Laser treatments and more, we can effectively treat wrinkles and provide preventative advice for the future. Why not book your consultation with our experts to assess your suitability, explain the process and answer all questions? Call our London clinic or our Buckinghamshire clinic on 0371 705 2776.



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