Treatment Category: Face

Lip Fillers

Lips have always been considered as one of the most important and attractive features of our face. They indicate our emotions, with full lips being associated with youth and beauty. Our lips are at their fullest in our 20s, whi...

Non-Surgical Facelift

Although people have traditionally resorted to cosmetic surgery, there are obvious disadvantages such as expense and recovery time. Today, there are many simple yet effective non-invasive alternatives to a surgical face lift that ...

Dermal Fillers London & Buckinghamshire

Dermal fillers are a popular option at our clinic for smoothing fine lines and tell-tale wrinkles. We aim for a natural, soft airbrushed look that gives you a refreshed appearance that everyone will notice but only you will kno...

Wrinkle Treatment

As we age, our bodies slow down the production of essential proteins that enable skin to stretch and contract: elastin and collagen. Connective tissues and muscles deteriorate. Skin no longer looks soft, plump and youthful but app...

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