Condition Category: Face

Marionette Lines

What are marionette lines? Marionette lines also called ‘smile lines’ are caused when the depressor muscle is pulling down on the corners of the mouth causing noticeable lines adding to a sad expression. Marionette lines exte...

Nose to Mouth Lines

What are nose to mouth lines?

Nose to mouth lines (also known as nasolabial folds, laugh lines or smile lines) are the deep creases tha...

Wrinkly Skin Treatment

What causes wrinkly skin? Wrinkly skin emerges with age due to the fact that our bodies slow down the production of elastin and collagen: essential proteins that enable skin to stretch and contract. When...

Wrinkly Neck

What causes a wrinkly neck? As the years go by, it’s inevitable that skin loses its natural elasticity and firmness which leads to a wrinkly neck. This can sometimes be referred to as a ‘turkey neck’ or ‘...

Wrinkles Treatment

What are wrinkles? Wrinkles are one of the most common signs of aged skin. They appear as deep creases, folds or ridges on the skin's surface and start to appear as a person gets older. They first appear...

Thin Lips

A plump and well-defined mouth is associated with youthfulness. However, the thin skin on our lips is particularly vulnerable to ageing as our bodies produce less collagen over time. We also lose the cushioning fat pads in our lip...

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