We are thrilled to have recently received a series of video testimonials from our lovely patient Suzanne Dando.
In the first video, Suzanne tells us why she has been coming to The Cosmetic Skin Clinic, introduces her treatments and describes how they have helped her regain that youthful, healthy look which is so important on television.
Suzanne initially came to see us as she had quite deep frown lines caused when she used to “squint and frown a lot”. Tracy recommended muscle relaxant to treat these which have really helped. This treatment reversibly paralyses muscles to smooth wrinkles and prevent deeper lines forming, so that’s why it is great for Suzanne’s particular problem.
Suzanne has also had the following treatments at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic: IPL Photo rejuvenation, Pellevé, BOTOX® and most recently Clear + Brilliant. This particular combination of skin enhancing treatments suited Suzanne as she was finding that as she got older her skin took on a dull look. Now 50, she is finding her skin is looking healthier, clearer and brighter. Clear + Brilliant especially has given her skin renewed radiance and luminosity. The treatment uses a gentle laser that refreshes skin inside and out, replacing damaged skin with healthier younger looking tissue. So it is great for not only treating, but preventing the early signs of ageing.
Suzanne really wanted to achieve a healthier look for her face as she got older, to look well as a result of subtle treatments, rather than look ‘done’. Working in television adds to the pressure to look good, especially if you are female, but thanks to the treatments she has had, she no longer feels this pressure.
Suzanne is also honoured to be an official torchbearer for the London 2012 Olympics, and wants to look even more at her best this year for this reason!
For more information on any of the treatments Suzanne Dando has had at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic, or to book a consultation please call our Reception team on 0330 057 5425 or fill out our enquiry form.