How I blitzed my ‘barcode lips’

Daily Mail

July 2022

The Daily Mail’s Amanda Platell writes about lip lines and tries treatments to remove and improve them. She tries a novel beauty tweakment with the trusting hands of The Cosmetic Skin Clinic’s expert, Lee Garrett. From what barcode lip lines are to how she has her lips treated; she explains it all.

What are lip lines?

Lip lines, also known as ‘barcode lips’, ‘lipstick lines‘ or ‘smokers lines‘ are vertical lines that prominently appear above the top lip but can also appear under the lower lip. These are technically called ‘perioral’ lines.

How do barcode lip lines develop?

Barcode lip lines develop as they are part of ageing. As we age, we experience collagen loss. Collagen is the protein that acts as our skins scaffolding to keep our faces looking plump and elastic. Unfortunately, we begin to lose collagen in our late 20’s and continue to lose it as we get older.

Smokers may develop the lines prematurely, but no woman can avoid them altogether.” They can come about from years of simply “talking, laughing, living and – worst of all – sunbathing.”

Amanda Platell’s lip lines began as a result of sun damage whilst growing up in Australia and a casual smoking habit.

How does Amanda feel about getting tweakments done?

She honestly admits that every six months, for the last two decades, she has had tweakments done to her face. Amanda states there is “no fibbing and attributing my smooth complexion to plenty of sleep and two litres of water a day, as so many do.”

Why did Amanda choose Lee Garrett for her lip concerns?

She was on “a mission to banish the barcode” and called Lee Garret, the only man she would trust with her face for advice.

Amanda says her “relationship with Lee (yes, I am on first name terms with my cosmetic practitioner) has survived two decades, more than that of any boyfriend. More importantly, he knows my face and how to tweak it. He’s a ‘less is more’ physician, a tender sculptor.”

What did Lee Garrett recommend for barcode lip lines?

“After talking to Lee, he said that while he couldn’t completely do away with my barcodes, which would be a miracle, they could be reduced with Upper Lip Rejuvenation Treatment. I booked in.”

Is the Upper Lip Rejuvenation Treatment new?

No, the Upper Lip Rejuvenation Treatment is not new, however Lee customises the treatment according to the patient. So, the injections are tailoured accordingly to each face.

Lee reveals to Amanda that the Upper Lip Rejuvenation Treatment is “one of his most in-demand procedures and he told me that recently he had a day where he did nothing but lip smoothing.”

What is the set up for this treatment procedure?

The first step to this treatment was to apply numbing cream and wait half an hour for it to work.

Amanda says the next step was Lee measuring “my face with a calliper — a bit like an old-fashioned geometry compass — to find the sweet spot on my cheeks where he injected Belotero (a dermal filler with a hyaluronic base) to replace lost collagen.”

Understandably, it may sound odd to mention cheek filler when this is a lip treatment, but Lee explains, “our full, youthful cheeks are all part of the scaffolding that holds our face up and lifting them will give a better lip result.”

The next step, Lee drew lines on the face with a white crayon, “first from halfway down from the sides of my nose to my lips — where the nasolabial folds are” … “Then around my marionette lines, which run from the corner of the bottom lips to the chin that, with age, make lips droop slightly and we look sad.”

What happens in the Upper Lip Rejuvenation Treatment?

When it comes to Amanda’s lip area for this treatment, there was no need for a white crayon to mark them out.

Using the same filler, Lee gives several tiny injections. At first, the filler is injected into the cheeks, nasolabial fold, then the marionette lines to smooth the edges of the canvas before we tackle the barcode lines.

“The lipstick lines were treated individually by injecting a little filler in an upwards direction — the ‘blanching’ technique.”

Did you have any side effects?

The treatment took 45 minutes and after it was done, Amanda says she didn’t feel a thing. She put on some lipstick and went out for lunch.

After the treatment, she says she “was relieved there was none of the unsightly swelling or redness I had anticipated. The next day I had one tiny bruise half the size of a pin head and was on live TV that night.”

What were the results?

Amanda says she noticed the difference within days and that the lines were “not completely gone but cleared smoothed.”

For those “feeling queasy at the thought of it all and dreading ending up with a hideously unnatural trout pout, she reassures you that “there was nothing injected into” her actual lips. “No industrial quantities of collagen, no dermal lip fillers so favoured by celebrities.”

Since having had the treatment, Amanda’s friends say her face looks fresh and appears younger, and it is clear her lips haven’t been altered with.

Daily Mail - Amanda Platell barcode lip lines article

What was the price for such a treatment?

The price differs, as “the worse your lines – the more filler you’ll need.” Whilst price can be a concern, Amanda “worked out it was less than I might spend in a year on frocks I hardly ever wear, overseas holidays I don’t want to go on and careless Deliveroo’s when I can’t be bothered to cook.”

“With the cosmetic industry in the UK currently worth £3.6 billion, I know I am not alone in trying to hold back the years.”

Treating your barcode lip lines at The Cosmetic Skin Clinic

When looking to treat your lip lines, the natural look is always best, and The Cosmetic Skin Clinic specialises in natural and bespoke results. With our experienced and qualified practitioners, we can turn back the ageing around your lips and keep you looking like you but refreshed and revived.

Lee Garrett is highly skilled in enhanced dermal filler techniques, and he shares his knowledge and expertise with other doctors and nurses to ensure the safest and best results. This is why he is trusted by his patients to tackle lip lines and create results they are happy with.

At The Cosmetic Skin Clinic, our team are here for you. We support you from the beginning to end, from consultation day to aftercare follow up, check ins and reviewing your results. To find out more about the treatments mentioned, please book your consultation here or give our London or Buckinghamshire clinic a call on 0330 433 2103.

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