Daily Mail Nip & Tuck – I’ve Got Very Sensitive Skin. Can I Have Fillers?

The Daily Mail Nip & Tuck 19th June 2017

The Nip & Tuck articles by Dr Tracy Mountford appear weekly, in print and online in the Monday ‘Inspire’ section. In this week’s column, a reader, who has sensitive skin, asks about the alternative to fillers:

I’ve got very sensitive skin. Can I have fillers?

A reader, who has just turned 60, is concerned about having a reaction to dermal filler injections so is looking for non-invasive ways to refresh her skin. Dr Mountford explains that dermal fillers are made from ingredients that naturally occur in the skin, such as hyaluronic acid, and so reactions are very rare. You should always discuss your concerns with your practitioner who will advise you on the best course of treatment.

To avoid injections, micro-needling is a good option. Tiny needles are rolled over the skin to stimulate collagen repair and improve texture. The skin is usually red for a few days but will then disappear. You can also combine micro-needling with cosmeceutical products, which are applied topically, and help to increase cell turnover and collagen production.

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