Dr Mountford was awarded a presentation plaque of her Thermage Black Diamond Award for being the highest user of Thermage in the UK for 2013. This was awarded last weekend in Paris at (IMCAS) (International Master Course On Ageing Skin). This was presented on the Solta Medical stand by EMEA Marketing Manager Diego Fabbri and Marketing Specialist Alina Schnitzlein. The Thermage Black Diamond Award recognises The Cosmetic Skin Clinic as a top destination for Thermage treatments in the UK.

This means The Cosmetic Skin Clinic is the ‘highest user’ of Thermage in the UK three year running!
Dr Mountford says “We are very proud to be the recipient of this award as Thermage is a great treatment as it has no downtime or telltale sign of anything having been ‘done’ which is why A listers such as Gwynneth Paltrow are great fans of this procedure.”
Thermage is a stand alone skin tightening treatment as well as a great adjunct to use in combination with botulinum toxins and dermal fillers working in harmony with one another. Thermage reduces sagging along the jawline reinstating the natural contours of the face as well as improving the texture and smoothness of the skin whilst dermal fillers and collagen simulators such as Sculptra replace the volume loss to the face giving a rejuvenated lift to the face naturally.
For more information on Thermage radio frequency treatment please call our reception team who will be happy to help you: 01753 646 660