‘Tear Troughs’ & Marionette Lines Treatment

Take a look inside this weeks procedures; treating the ‘Tear Troughs’ and Marionette Lines using dermal fillers, with Senior Aesthetic Practitioner Tara Jackson.

What are Marionette Lines?

Marionette lines are also referred to as ‘smile lines’ and are caused when the depressor muscle is pulling down on the corners of the mouth causing noticeable lines and a sad expression. Tara used dermal fillers to add support to the cheeks and lift the fat pad weighing down on the marionette lines, while also injecting into the marionette lines themselves.

What are ‘Tear Troughs’?

The ‘Tear Trough’ is a depression that runs from the side of the nose, below the eye and above the upper cheek bone. This area can become deeper and more shadowed giving the appearance of dark circles, which can be a giveaway of age. One of our favourite and most popular procedures is ‘Tear Trough’ filler. We can use dermal fillers to help improve the appearance of lower eye bags, dark circles or a loss of volume.

Dr Mountford explains that the Tear Troughs and cheeks are inherently linked which means that by supporting the cheek and treating the Tear Trough we can get a really nice seamless, aesthetic result.

Tara treated three different areas and used a conservative 3mls of filler. Dr Mountford points out that we can start to dispel some of the myths surrounding fillers looking unnatural, and that when done well, they can be pretty imperceptible.

When we’re not talking or smiling the under eye can look tired, making the face appear drained. Tara says that when patients come to see her she often gets them to give her a great big smile, because it’s very important to see whether they ‘upgrade’ when they smile. If they do, it gives her a good indication of which areas to treat so that they get a lift from the filler.

For more information please contact our reception team on 03308284657 (London and Buckinghamshire) or fill-in our online contact form.

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