Looking for an easier way to tone your figure? Come to The Cosmetic Skin Clinic today


With spring just around the corner, many people feel it is the perfect time to treat themselves. If you want to create a sleeker look to your figure just in time for your spring and summer wardrobe, and you have tried all the diets or exercise that you can handle, it may be time for something new. Of course, if you are also wary of undertaking a more serious procedure, it can feel that there is no other suitable alternative to get that sleek figure. Luckily, there is! A relatively new procedure for many cosmetic clinics is cryolipolysis. Using cool temperatures to kill fat cells, this treatment is non-invasive, fast and works with your body to create a firmer and more toned form.

At The Cosmetic Skin Clinic, our team is the leading group for performing cryolipolysis, or CoolSculpting in London. We pride ourselves on our results and our customer care, so if you have any concerns prior to undertaking this treatment, we will gladly talk you through it in jargon-free language.

But what are some of the questions we are regularly asked about CoolSculpting in London?

Am I a suitable good candidate for cryolipolysis?

While we aim to provide all of our customers with the treatments that they want, in relation to CoolSculpting in London, our team has to adhere to very strict guidelines. There are many medical conditions and procedures that prevent us from performing cryolipolysis, and so, it is important that you disclose all of your medical conditions to our team during your consultation and you discuss this treatment with your doctor. However, if you have areas on your body that you would like to tone up and you are in perfect health, there should be no barrier to you undertaking this procedure.

How does it work?

As briefly mentioned earlier, this process works by freezing excess fat cells that are underneath the skin. Once frozen, these cells die and are absorbed naturally by the body, which disposes of them over the next 2-3 months. As this is a rather slow treatment process, the results appear more natural and the skin that has been treated does not appear loose or stretched.

Is it uncomfortable?

At The Cosmetic Skin Clinic, when we perform this treatment, we use a device that resembles a hoover and a cooling pad. You may notice a cool sensation and some tugging, but cryolipolysis should not at all be uncomfortable.

When will I notice the desired effect?

Some of our customers notice results a few days after the procedure. For many of our customers, it can take between 3-6 months for the treated area to appear more toned or sleek, so a bit of patience is required. It is worth it!

Will there be any bruising?

After cryolipolysis, you may notice some swelling to the treated area; this is normal. Over the next few days, you may also experience some bruising – this is also normal, but both issues should resolve themselves in the coming weeks.

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