Dr Tracy Mountford at Ultherapy Insights Event


Dr Tracy Mountford joins Dr Vivian Bucay and Dr John Quinn to lead an expert panel discussion at a recent Ultherapy insights evening.

Panel discussion and Q&A with Dr. Tracy Mountford

On 17th June Merz Aesthetics hosted an event at the Millenium Hotel, Knightsbridge inviting a select group of practitioners in the UK and Ireland, who are both new or have limited experience of the Ultherapy system. Dr Mountford, Dr Bucay and Dr Quinn joined to discuss the science and patient benefits associated with Ultherapy as both a stand-alone and combination treatment.

Following the release of new treatment protocols, enabling patients to achieve remarkable results with 3 different depths of treatment, a growing number of leading practitioners in the UK and Ireland are looking to offer Ultherpy treatments at their clinics.

Ultherapy award
Ultherapy award presented to Dr Tracy Mountford NBBS BCAN

The Cosmetic Skin Clinic was awarded ‘Ultherapy Ultra Premiere Treatment Provider’ in 2014 within just 6-months of purchasing their first treatment system. This makes The Cosmetic Skin Clinic the NO1 clinic for Ultherapy in the Uk & Ireland. Dr Tracy Mountford was therefore a clear choice to help lead the panel discussion and Q&A session which evoked a lively discussion on how to harness the power and benefits of using ultrasound to deliver successful patient outcomes.

Ultherapy is the only FDA-cleared non-evasive lifting procedure for the neck, chin and brow and was recently FDA-cleared to treat lines and wrinkles on the décolletage. What makes Ultherapy so impressive and so effective is that it tightens at 3 different levels; one of these levels being 4.5mm, which is at the SMAS muscle level which surgeons tighten when they perform a face lift.

The event was a huge success for all those attending and the take home for many will be how groundbreaking this use of Ultrashound technology really is and how popular Ultherapy treatments have become worldwide.

To find out more about Ultherapy call us today on  01753 646 660 or complete our enquiry form.

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